The Admins and Edgelords
The Admins
@LightningNevan (Created server 22/08/19)
Getting involved in D&D in late 2017 has allowed me to become apart of a genuinely fun and exciting community - where else can you simultaneously slay or make friends with the strongest monsters of mythology while simultaneously struggle to open a locked door! I am constantly trying to learn the tricks of the trade while creating spooky and difficult encounters to entertain players and express myself. I always try to keep an open mind and enjoy listening to what all of you have to say as I believe we can make something wonderful together!
The Edgelords
@gryphon (Date Joined: 22/10/2019)
Gryphon is everyone's favorite DM (just kidding) and criminal mastermind of downtime (not kidding). They can be found creating strange creatures for the arena and even stranger NPCs everywhere else because who needs to learn the "proper" lore when you could just make up your own?
@Kautiontape (Date Joined: 30/08/19)
D&D became a staple of my life in 2016 when - after watching an episode of HarmonQuest - my wife told me she always had an interest in playing. My passing interest in D&D flared into a full addiction as we managed to convince different friends and families to play with us, including a couple sessions that lasted weekly/bi-weekly for years! PbP started as my chance to be a PC for once, but I love connecting with a great D&D community every day.
Former Edgelords
@Darman (Date Joined: 27/10/19)
Out of Character: I am a full-time Paramedic in North Carolina and have been serving in EMS for almost 3 years. On the side I just wrapped up an IRL campaign that concluded on our 3 year anniversary. I've been DMing for about 7 years now going from Pathfinder to 5e. In Luna Pines, you'll see one of my quests pop-up fairly regularly or you might see me as one of the Arena Masters. I look forward to playing with you.
@Gravity (Date Joined: 12/09/19)
I am a stay at home dad, a full time job and then some. I live about 3 hours Northeast of Vancouver B.C. Canada in a town called Kamloops. I have 5 children total (All boys). I've been playing D&D in every iteration since around 1985 when I got the Red Box for my 11th Birthday. Seen all the different editions, and have dabbled in a quite few other games along the way as well.
@Ouchie (Date joined: 15/09/19)
@Khorek (Ouchie) I’m a stay at home mom of two wonderful little future DMs. We play at home all the time and invite the neighborhood kids to join. My poor son is the only boy (he secretly loves it). I started playing D&D in grade school back in about 83’ but stopped for a long time. I picked it up again for 4th edition but I think I really like 5E better. I love to spend time in my garden and it’s village of gnomes, I enjoy camping, and biking, reading all about folklore and legends and, I love to take deep breaths……
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