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Using Dicecloud

Dicecloud is the middle-road between the "does everything for you at a cost" style of D&DBeyond and the more manual efforts of the Google Sheets. There is some mild effort to set up Dicecloud, but once you do this, there is a lot of power and automation. Feel free to ask any questions in #avrae-help or visit the Dicecloud Discord for more information.

Getting Started

Parts of this guide are taken from the guide in the Dicecloud Discord linked above, in the channel #your-first-character. They've been reconstructed for your benefit here.

First Step: Get the Library

If you are brand new, subscribe to the below collection by clicking the link, signing into your Dicecloud account, and clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top-right of the page. This must be done before you create your first character.

The Libraries of Vexus

This is the bread-and-butter 5e content that is community maintained, and it is provided in a helpful package that is updated regularly so you don't have to hand-enter your content or pay for books on D&DBeyond. The Admins and DMs running the server have access to the content we are providing you, so this is just a faster route to entering your character's provided details.

We will update if different libraries become available.

Create a Character

  1. From Dicecloud, go to the Character's page on the left side of the navigation.
  2. Click the big red "+" on the bottom right of the screen.
  3. Fill out your characters Biography information.
  4. Click Next
  5. Toggle off "All User Libraries" and select only "Libraries of Vexus" to remove the SRD content and use the content crafted in the library you Subscribed to above. If you do not have this option, you need to stop creating this character and go subscribe in the "First Step" section like we asked you to. Otherwise, you can do all of this manually, but it is just not fun and very time consuming for no real benefit.